Established in 2016, Legend Brewery is a leading craft beer brewery and contract brewing facility in Northern Hsinchu (home of the world famous science parks). We’ve been the driving force behind many of the most recognizable craft brew labels in Taiwan, and have been instrumental in the launch of many ready-to-drink cocktail and spirits innovations in Asia.

Our state of the art ISO 9001 certified brewery is designed to grow with your business, from test batches to large scale double/triple batch brews. An automated bottling line bottles 330ml and 500ml glass bottles, with the option to pasteurize with our custom built tunnel. We import and stock a wide variety of malt and hops, so come with an idea or recipe, and we’ll help you launch a commercial product.

Here’re a list of some of the services we offer:

      • Contract Brewing – We have the grains, hops and facility, come with the idea and quickly turn it into a product.

      • Keg, Can and Bottle Packing Options – Chose to fill your beer in kegs, 330ml cans, 330ml bottles or 500ml bottles. We can supply kegs, cans, bottles and caps.

      • Container Label Printing – Take advantage of our bulk rate for printing beer labels. Taiwan’s printing quality and choices will stun you.

      • Registration and Paperwork – We can help you with all the paperwork to get you up to code in Taiwan, so you can focus on brewing and selling.

      • Product Storage and Shipping Services – Ship ingredients to us to store on-site, store finished products at the brewery (room temperature or refrigerated). We can ship your beer quickly to your customers in Taiwan and globally.

      • Consultation – Leverage our experience to quickly gain a foothold in the Taiwanese market.

    In addition to the above, if you have any wild ideas regarding alcoholic beverages, contact us at and we can discuss details. We’ve helped launched successful retail concepts that started as one far-fetched idea.

    Copyright © 2020 Legend Brewery —