
Mead is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting a mixture of honey and water. It is also sometimes called honey wine or mead wine. This wine has a long history and is one of the earliest alcoholic beverages in the world.

The process of making mead involves mixing honey with water and adding yeast to ferment it. Yeast converts the sugar in honey into alcohol and carbon dioxide, creating the process of alcoholic fermentation. Mead can have different tastes and flavors, depending on the type of honey used, yeast selection and how long it is fermented.

It can be sweet or dry, and the texture can be somewhere in between. Some meads are flavored with other fruits, spices, or herbs, and some are further brewed into sparkling meads.

Mead has different statuses in different cultures. It may be regarded as a celebratory or ritual wine, or it may be used for daily drinking or special ceremonies. Its variety and taste make mead popular among both beer and wine lovers.